Don't you wish GOD would just say..."Okay now right turn in 50 feet, then proceed 25 miles to... Instead He promises to guide our STEPS..I would just like a little further notice than that..what lies beyond the next curve? Am I going in the RIGHT direction? Is there a drop off or bump ahead? But No, He directs one STEP at a time. Hmmm isn't that called FAITH when you just feel blindfolded and led or directed..did you ever play that game as a child or with your grandkids?..SHUT your eyes, now take my hand..Do you trust and just walk or do you flail your arms about trying not to bump into things? How does that make them feel? Do you trust me? DO you walk or do you try to find your own path? Guess GOD is still teaching in parables...I hope and pray that this time around the mountain I learn the sandals are starting to show some wear.
I know I am not talking to anyone else out there...just needed to see/hear myself talk this one out too... :) Marching on.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday Morning Blues
Anything you did even for the least of my people here, you did also for me.” Matthew 25:40
What is the sign of the saved? Their scholarship? Their willingness to go to foreign lands? Their ability to amass an audience and preach? Their skillful pens and hope-filled volumes? . . . No.The sign of the saved is their love for the least . . .
No fanfare. No hoopla. No media coverage. Just good people doing good things. For when we do good things to others we do good things to God. by Max Lucado
Thank you LORD for this gentle reminder of things to come... I spent Sunday with Kristi,Verna and friends at Homeless Outreach..This was one of the harder outreaches for me to date. Seems there was bickering among those there to receive. Ungratefulness, not sure how to put it into words, but just general unrest... It was hard..and I was discouraged, You know, WHY are we here, What good are we doing? Then this morning in my inbox, a GOD message... I am sure when Max wrote this in a book years ago he wasnt thinking about me, and my Monday morning blues. BUT the lover of my soul was, and he had it penned just for me...THANK YOU LORD...for your words 2 thousand years ago, that would be used to encourage and uplift and remind me TODAY... I LOVE YOU. And now, back to work.. :)
What is the sign of the saved? Their scholarship? Their willingness to go to foreign lands? Their ability to amass an audience and preach? Their skillful pens and hope-filled volumes? . . . No.The sign of the saved is their love for the least . . .
No fanfare. No hoopla. No media coverage. Just good people doing good things. For when we do good things to others we do good things to God. by Max Lucado
Thank you LORD for this gentle reminder of things to come... I spent Sunday with Kristi,Verna and friends at Homeless Outreach..This was one of the harder outreaches for me to date. Seems there was bickering among those there to receive. Ungratefulness, not sure how to put it into words, but just general unrest... It was hard..and I was discouraged, You know, WHY are we here, What good are we doing? Then this morning in my inbox, a GOD message... I am sure when Max wrote this in a book years ago he wasnt thinking about me, and my Monday morning blues. BUT the lover of my soul was, and he had it penned just for me...THANK YOU LORD...for your words 2 thousand years ago, that would be used to encourage and uplift and remind me TODAY... I LOVE YOU. And now, back to work.. :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Loaves and fishes...Or Hotdogs and chips for all...
I have been away from the 'puter for awhile. I was on vacation..Yeh for vacation.
While on vacation, I was blessed to be a part of a wonderful ministry my daughter does in downtown Austin. I know most of you who read this know all about it...but I just need to hear myself say these things out loud. I was expecting to go and be a blessing, but ended up being blessed in so many ways. I saw my grandgirls serve and smile without reservations. I saw my children serving in ways I once only dreamed. I saw thankful people enjoying the chance to choose a soda or chips...things I so take for granted. It is hard to explain with mere words, what is so felt in my heart.. I still get weepy thinking of them. GOD is so amazing..He takes what little we can do ADD it to the BIG HE can do and comes up with AWESOME... yeh, yeh I know HE could do it alone, but I am so thankful HE blesses us by letting us be a part of HIS plan. We had EXACTLY the right amount of donations to buy the food and drinks for 250 and that is the number of people we fed. HE supplied (thru willing hands) exactly what we needed. I was hoping to have some seed $ for next month..and HE reminded me that HE is our supply and we are to gather enough for the day...DAILY bread...
Thank you to all who played a part in making this a special 4th for so many. My heart can not begin to say how grateful I am. This is an ongoing ministry. We will be going again on the 25th..on a smaller scale...We discovered hot dogs are easy and inexpensive...chips and sodas, not so much ..If you are interested in being a part of the next outreach contact me or Kristi...we would love to share the blessings. :)
While on vacation, I was blessed to be a part of a wonderful ministry my daughter does in downtown Austin. I know most of you who read this know all about it...but I just need to hear myself say these things out loud. I was expecting to go and be a blessing, but ended up being blessed in so many ways. I saw my grandgirls serve and smile without reservations. I saw my children serving in ways I once only dreamed. I saw thankful people enjoying the chance to choose a soda or chips...things I so take for granted. It is hard to explain with mere words, what is so felt in my heart.. I still get weepy thinking of them. GOD is so amazing..He takes what little we can do ADD it to the BIG HE can do and comes up with AWESOME... yeh, yeh I know HE could do it alone, but I am so thankful HE blesses us by letting us be a part of HIS plan. We had EXACTLY the right amount of donations to buy the food and drinks for 250 and that is the number of people we fed. HE supplied (thru willing hands) exactly what we needed. I was hoping to have some seed $ for next month..and HE reminded me that HE is our supply and we are to gather enough for the day...DAILY bread...
Thank you to all who played a part in making this a special 4th for so many. My heart can not begin to say how grateful I am. This is an ongoing ministry. We will be going again on the 25th..on a smaller scale...We discovered hot dogs are easy and inexpensive...chips and sodas, not so much ..If you are interested in being a part of the next outreach contact me or Kristi...we would love to share the blessings. :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
FB or HB
So, I was thinking... Facebook..the place where people let others see the part of themselves that they want others to see.. Am I like that? Do I present to others a Face I want them to like, or do I let them see my heart..The real ME.. the part, that after 50+ years of growing-thru, I still am a work in progress.. I think we should have a HB- heartbook..where you can show/tell others the you they SHOULD know.. the part that is growing and expanding and learning and.. and...and...That is what a testimony is..what GOD is doing in your life right now .. this minute, this day ...your past is your history..your story-not your testimony..
SO what is GOD telling you today? Where is HE leading you? What area is HE expanding or decreasing? Do you feel growing pains or just groaning pains? What part of you is HE killing today? It is never easy to grow-thru these... but the end result is so worth it.. The new you will be AMAZING!!!
SO what is GOD telling you today? Where is HE leading you? What area is HE expanding or decreasing? Do you feel growing pains or just groaning pains? What part of you is HE killing today? It is never easy to grow-thru these... but the end result is so worth it.. The new you will be AMAZING!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
thinking out loud again !!
Do you ever step back and stand in awe of GOD? Some days even more than others it seems. Today is one of those... HE IS AMAZING... the people, the timing HE crosses our paths. When HE prompts you to call someone or drop them an email, do not hesitate...LISTEN with your heart...You never know when or how HE is using you to be HIS hands or arms for someone. Just a little obedience on your part can really be a thing in someone-elses life. I'm just sayin'....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What's that I smell?
Todays SoS: Be still and KNOW that I am GOD!!!! As I have stated the being still part is HARD for me. But that is why we are here for one another...PRAY for me to sit still..No wiggling, no jumping up and down scanning the horizon..Just sit and rock and wait and KNOW that HE IS GOD!!!>
So I will sit, I will rock and I will wait, but you must smell that faint piggy smell right... I DO!!! GOD IS FAITHFULLLLLL!!!!
Watch for me on the porch rocking and waiting. Will you join me....
So I will sit, I will rock and I will wait, but you must smell that faint piggy smell right... I DO!!! GOD IS FAITHFULLLLLL!!!!
Watch for me on the porch rocking and waiting. Will you join me....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Prodical Mom
I think I must look at things from a different angle than most. In pondering the story of the prodigal son, I think it was good that the father was the one involved. I can tell you if it had been the mom..she would not have been patiently sitting on the porch "watching" for his return. That mom would have been out scouring the country-side. She would have been "texting" all his "friends" to find out where he was and how he was. Was he eating right? Pig-food you say.. No not my take him the Sonic coupons? You mamas know what I mean dont you. It is so hard to let your children "find-themselves" .. It would be so much easier if they would just let us tell them WHOSE they are and save them a lot of time and trouble. I guess too it would have taken him alot longer to get to the place GOD wanted him...hmmmmm
Well I guess that is all I want to say about this subject FOR NOW!!! Look for me out on the porch :)
Well I guess that is all I want to say about this subject FOR NOW!!! Look for me out on the porch :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Just thinking out loud!!
Why is it so hard to put in words the things you think and pray out all night? God and I had a special time this morning. He told and confirmed many things in me. I feel a seed has been planted and growing and I anxiously await the birth of something new. I even have part of the process worked out in my head, but now to put it in words "out there" it seems hard.
I have s "sister" who is struggling in Africa. She has been sent there by GOD to do a good work. She is doing what I once dreamed of doing. She trusts GOD to supply all she needs, but she has made known a need she has. She struggles with the decision to ask for help. I read her blog and GOD tugged my heart. I thank her for sharing her heart and her need. Until "we" know there is a need and put a face to that need.. it seems to big to even try to help. I can not save AFRICA, or feed the multitudes there or tell everyone there about HIS great love for it would be useless to try...BUT.. I can send what little I have to offer to someone who is there, added to the little someone else has to offer added, to the little someone else has to offer ( & NO it is not a typo - I am multiplying myself) WE can...
So can you help.. Does the face and testimony run into the heart of you. God showed me how to get it done -- the I can't but HE CAN- drive. If you would think about one of the pleasures you enjoy ( weekly *bux - monthly pedicure) or whatever and would set aside that amount (weekly or monthly) and designate it to help .. I know GOD will bless our effort and combined will meet her NEED. Below is the link to her site. Would you take a look, but beware it will put a face to the need. and you will be hooked. Blessings to you!!!
I have s "sister" who is struggling in Africa. She has been sent there by GOD to do a good work. She is doing what I once dreamed of doing. She trusts GOD to supply all she needs, but she has made known a need she has. She struggles with the decision to ask for help. I read her blog and GOD tugged my heart. I thank her for sharing her heart and her need. Until "we" know there is a need and put a face to that need.. it seems to big to even try to help. I can not save AFRICA, or feed the multitudes there or tell everyone there about HIS great love for it would be useless to try...BUT.. I can send what little I have to offer to someone who is there, added to the little someone else has to offer added, to the little someone else has to offer ( & NO it is not a typo - I am multiplying myself) WE can...
So can you help.. Does the face and testimony run into the heart of you. God showed me how to get it done -- the I can't but HE CAN- drive. If you would think about one of the pleasures you enjoy ( weekly *bux - monthly pedicure) or whatever and would set aside that amount (weekly or monthly) and designate it to help .. I know GOD will bless our effort and combined will meet her NEED. Below is the link to her site. Would you take a look, but beware it will put a face to the need. and you will be hooked. Blessings to you!!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Another Example of BIG-GOD
The other day I had one last contac left to use. New ones would be here in a couple of days. Well when you cant even see in the mirror to "paint the barn" a couple of days is a loooonnnngggg time. But I did have one last...oooppppsss where did that little booger go..I am searching the sink, the floor, the little black dog that sits constantly at my feet, No contac..Now what...As I am sliding into the "what can I do" mode.. I think -WHAT CAN HE DO???!!! I think a prayer and I look up.. to my surprise there glistening like a diamond in my spiked the little lost contac... Now how??...I dont care what anyone says I KNOW MY GOD LOVES ME and cares and take care of the most intricate details of my hectic life...IF I let him. :)
What a GOD I serve.
So, I dont know the god you might serve, but I hope and pray HE is the one TRUE GOD.
The One who is so loving and kind and cares for the smallest details of my life.
I went to a local resale shop Thurs and saw a really nice coffeemaker, one I had looked at numerous times but couldnt afford. I wanted to purchase, but they only took cash and I didnt have enough. SO I left somewhat thinking NO WAY it would still be there Monday (the first time I had chance to go back) Sure enough Monday it was there and ON SALE for 1/2 the price. Yeah GOD. After stopping at HEB to purchase the special pods it used (decaf even so I could use it right away) I got home and started cleaning it up...OH NO a major part was missing. I got on line and downloaded the instruction manual that had parts listed. Emailed customer service and was told parts were available. Thought to myself-before you BUY the part..go back and just see if somewhere among the piles of stuff at shop, the little part may have gotten separated from its family. Today I went back and asked permission to rummage around and see if I might recognise the part...SURE enough there it hid in a bin of ktichen gadgets..LOST is now found. I thank you GOD for even the smallest smiles you shine down to make me realize what a BIG GOD you are...I pray you know this kind of GOD...ONE who CAN and WILL!!!!!!!!!!!Are your eyes open to see the things HE does in your life everyday- I pray so.
The One who is so loving and kind and cares for the smallest details of my life.
I went to a local resale shop Thurs and saw a really nice coffeemaker, one I had looked at numerous times but couldnt afford. I wanted to purchase, but they only took cash and I didnt have enough. SO I left somewhat thinking NO WAY it would still be there Monday (the first time I had chance to go back) Sure enough Monday it was there and ON SALE for 1/2 the price. Yeah GOD. After stopping at HEB to purchase the special pods it used (decaf even so I could use it right away) I got home and started cleaning it up...OH NO a major part was missing. I got on line and downloaded the instruction manual that had parts listed. Emailed customer service and was told parts were available. Thought to myself-before you BUY the part..go back and just see if somewhere among the piles of stuff at shop, the little part may have gotten separated from its family. Today I went back and asked permission to rummage around and see if I might recognise the part...SURE enough there it hid in a bin of ktichen gadgets..LOST is now found. I thank you GOD for even the smallest smiles you shine down to make me realize what a BIG GOD you are...I pray you know this kind of GOD...ONE who CAN and WILL!!!!!!!!!!!Are your eyes open to see the things HE does in your life everyday- I pray so.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
See What I mean!!
God is Everywhere
Posted: 10 May 2010 11:01 PM PDT
“Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Psalm 139:7-8, NIV
Our asking “Where is God?” is like a fish asking “Where is water?” or a bird asking “Where is air?” God is everywhere! Equally present in Peking and Peoria. As active in the lives of Icelanders as in the lives of Texans. We cannot find a place where God is not. (Max Lucado)
Ok this is exactly what I mean...After the post yesterday (and I am not savvy enough to post ahead) this is in my email this morning. Do you think GOD is trying to tell me something? I do... LORD let me have ears to hear and eyes to see the wonder of my GOD!!!
Posted: 10 May 2010 11:01 PM PDT
“Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Psalm 139:7-8, NIV
Our asking “Where is God?” is like a fish asking “Where is water?” or a bird asking “Where is air?” God is everywhere! Equally present in Peking and Peoria. As active in the lives of Icelanders as in the lives of Texans. We cannot find a place where God is not. (Max Lucado)
Ok this is exactly what I mean...After the post yesterday (and I am not savvy enough to post ahead) this is in my email this morning. Do you think GOD is trying to tell me something? I do... LORD let me have ears to hear and eyes to see the wonder of my GOD!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
He's Everywhere
Have you ever noticed (or is just me) that when GOD is spreading HIS message around, you bump into it everywhere you choose to listen? We had a prophetic word spoken over our church recently. I have been listening to it on my ipod as often as possible (soaking in it-so to speak). Part of it says HE is so filling us with HIS spirit that we leave water in our footprints wherever we go...Now that is oozing some spirit. We are a charismatic group :) so not too surprising to hear and know what HE is saying...but this past weekend I was in a BAPTIST church for my grandsons baby dedication (far from home)... and the topic in this church for this season was "LIQUID"(even on the front of the bulletins and artwork on stage)... since it was Mothers Day he spoke on Moms.. but he mentioned the topic and how we are supposed to be flowing in Christ, submerged in Him ... I sure wish I could hear some of the teaching he is doing... How awesome of GOD to be saying the same thing in all his body...not just the foot or the hand or the ear...but to ALL..Just stuns me-- HIS creativity.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Potters wheel.
Two weeks ago I couldn't think of a single word to say...NOW there isnt enough time to say them all.
We SERVE a RISEN KING!!! awesome that HE would choose us.
Today I think of a potters wheel.. No, not Demi-Patrick, but you know what I mean.
We are just a unrecognisable BLOB of clay- swishy mud, no form, no shape, no life. HE touches and mushes and spins us and we sit and spin and mush. HIS loving hands gliding over the shapeless blob.. no one sees the vessel in the blob but HIM. No one knows if it will be a vase of importance or a daily jug for carrying water or cooking beans. He manuevers at will, HE shapes and molds and spins us some more. HIS HANDS lovingly shaping us. AND then there on the wheel. IT appears the vessel, exactly as HIS eyes have seen it all along. He didnt see the blob HE saw the finished vessel hidden somewhere in the BLOB... He pronounces "IT IS FINISHED" Fit for use for HIS desire, for HIS purpose... LET HIM!!!
We SERVE a RISEN KING!!! awesome that HE would choose us.
Today I think of a potters wheel.. No, not Demi-Patrick, but you know what I mean.
We are just a unrecognisable BLOB of clay- swishy mud, no form, no shape, no life. HE touches and mushes and spins us and we sit and spin and mush. HIS loving hands gliding over the shapeless blob.. no one sees the vessel in the blob but HIM. No one knows if it will be a vase of importance or a daily jug for carrying water or cooking beans. He manuevers at will, HE shapes and molds and spins us some more. HIS HANDS lovingly shaping us. AND then there on the wheel. IT appears the vessel, exactly as HIS eyes have seen it all along. He didnt see the blob HE saw the finished vessel hidden somewhere in the BLOB... He pronounces "IT IS FINISHED" Fit for use for HIS desire, for HIS purpose... LET HIM!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Let the SONshine in...
It has been some time since I wanted to blog. I let my guard down and I believed lies from my enemy.I let him sucker-punch me..His job is to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY..I chose to listen to doom and gloom, misery,wo-is-me and hide in a cloak of darkness. Soon his job was easier because I took the club he was using and started whacking myself. Well, thank you to all my praying-buddies who have kicked my booty and told me to get it back in line. I choose to put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Someone told me I needed a dose of sunshine..I have chosen SONshine. The clouds they be a-risin'...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Lion KING- Lying King
Lion King? or Lying King?
The lion cub. Born for greatness, chose to listen to the lies of his enemy. He looked like a friend, he sounded like a friend, even smelled like family, but he was his enemy. At great cost he listened to the lies.
The cub wandered into dry, desolate place, looking for peace. He was befriended, by those who did not know who he was, what he was destined for. He listened to these "friends" and ate bugs. Not your typical royal feast.
The enemy reigned in the cub's rightful place. He spoke defeat and hopelessness to everyone around him and they listened and believed the lies too.
When the cub came to his senses and started listening to the right messages and look to heaven for his directions. He lifted his head and made the decision to return to his rightful place. His inheritance. The true King returned and defeated the cowardly toothless enemy.
Seem metaphorical to you...
The lion cub. Born for greatness, chose to listen to the lies of his enemy. He looked like a friend, he sounded like a friend, even smelled like family, but he was his enemy. At great cost he listened to the lies.
The cub wandered into dry, desolate place, looking for peace. He was befriended, by those who did not know who he was, what he was destined for. He listened to these "friends" and ate bugs. Not your typical royal feast.
The enemy reigned in the cub's rightful place. He spoke defeat and hopelessness to everyone around him and they listened and believed the lies too.
When the cub came to his senses and started listening to the right messages and look to heaven for his directions. He lifted his head and made the decision to return to his rightful place. His inheritance. The true King returned and defeated the cowardly toothless enemy.
Seem metaphorical to you...
Are you in the race!!!
I have been thinking about runners. Not that I want to be one, but how I admire them.
The training, the discipline, the dedication. I started thinking of this race we are running...some call it the rat race. It occured to me, some have chosen to run a start, quick finish. Then there are those who train and run the marathon. Now that is some race. Long, endurance, straining for the prize set before them. Which will you choose? Are you looking forward to the PRIZE? I think it might be just around the next bend. If not, perserverance is the name of the game.
We have the best trainer running the race along beside us.
The training, the discipline, the dedication. I started thinking of this race we are running...some call it the rat race. It occured to me, some have chosen to run a start, quick finish. Then there are those who train and run the marathon. Now that is some race. Long, endurance, straining for the prize set before them. Which will you choose? Are you looking forward to the PRIZE? I think it might be just around the next bend. If not, perserverance is the name of the game.
We have the best trainer running the race along beside us.
Liar Liar Pants On FIre!!
So, how's it goin'. I have been missing you. I have returned from the Land of Odd and feel much better.
I CAN NOT believe I fell for the same old lies. Satan is a liar. He can not tell the truth, so why did I listen when he came peddling his garbage? Not sure,same old trip around the mountain. I can see from the blogs I read I am not the only one that has fallen for his lies.
He is a liar. When he says you're worthless- What you should repeat often and believe is this truth: You are of great value You are Chosen, Priceless, The Bride of Christ--Child of the MOST HIGH GOD..shall I continue....
When he spouts defeated-repeat after me: I am victorious, God is my strong tower, I am surrounded by a great host of angels, I read the book and the cliff notes I WIN!
Hopeless- I don't think so..My hope is in Christ Whom or what shall I fear.
I have read the book and cliff notes, We may loose a few battles...But WE WIN THE WAR!!!
I CAN NOT believe I fell for the same old lies. Satan is a liar. He can not tell the truth, so why did I listen when he came peddling his garbage? Not sure,same old trip around the mountain. I can see from the blogs I read I am not the only one that has fallen for his lies.
He is a liar. When he says you're worthless- What you should repeat often and believe is this truth: You are of great value You are Chosen, Priceless, The Bride of Christ--Child of the MOST HIGH GOD..shall I continue....
When he spouts defeated-repeat after me: I am victorious, God is my strong tower, I am surrounded by a great host of angels, I read the book and the cliff notes I WIN!
Hopeless- I don't think so..My hope is in Christ Whom or what shall I fear.
I have read the book and cliff notes, We may loose a few battles...But WE WIN THE WAR!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Keep on keepin'on
I know you are out there, I know you are following, and I know you are wondering where the words of wisdom (lol) are. Let's just life is a stony place right now and I choose not to share what is in my deep thoughts. I want my words to be uplifting and encouraging and joyful. So right now I am on a journey seeking these things. I am ok, and when I find the place/words again to lighten your load or walk in your shoes I will put it out there.. For now I will keep on keepin' on...
I know my GOD is loving, kind, faithful and true and I will walk out of this better for it.
Praying for you all everyday... Mary.mimi
I know my GOD is loving, kind, faithful and true and I will walk out of this better for it.
Praying for you all everyday... Mary.mimi
Monday, February 15, 2010
See What I mean!!!
Friend to Friend: (portions used from Girlfriends in God devotional)
There are some verses in the Bible that I wish God had just left out. Here are a few:
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping" (Proverbs 19:13).
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand" (Proverbs 27:15, 16).
"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife" (Proverbs 21:19).
"Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife" (Proverbs 25:24).
OK, that's about all I can take right now.
Drip, drip, drip. Webster defines nagging as to scold or find fault with repeatedly, to cause annoyance by scolding or repetition. Interestingly, a nag is also an inferior or aged horse. The best remedy to cure ourselves from being a nagging wife is to become a praying wife. Jesus invites us to stop nagging our husbands and begin nagging God!
As determined as I am to pray for my man DAILY...I step into that place of trying to change him, rip the paintbrush from God's hand and start fixing him... well he is God's masterpiece not mine..
I am still praying for you guys and your marriages..Please add your name to my list and please remember to do the same for me as we walk this stony path together.
Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I confess that sometimes I nag my husband ... alright, maybe more than sometimes. But Lord, I am determining in my heart to stop nagging my husband and start being consistent and persistent in prayer. My husband is Your workmanship, not mine. Forgive me when I try to yank the paint brush from Your hand and create brushstrokes of my own. I pray that I can be the woman that he needs in order for him to become the man that You desire.
Lub ya. Marymimi
There are some verses in the Bible that I wish God had just left out. Here are a few:
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping" (Proverbs 19:13).
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand" (Proverbs 27:15, 16).
"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife" (Proverbs 21:19).
"Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife" (Proverbs 25:24).
OK, that's about all I can take right now.
Drip, drip, drip. Webster defines nagging as to scold or find fault with repeatedly, to cause annoyance by scolding or repetition. Interestingly, a nag is also an inferior or aged horse. The best remedy to cure ourselves from being a nagging wife is to become a praying wife. Jesus invites us to stop nagging our husbands and begin nagging God!
As determined as I am to pray for my man DAILY...I step into that place of trying to change him, rip the paintbrush from God's hand and start fixing him... well he is God's masterpiece not mine..
I am still praying for you guys and your marriages..Please add your name to my list and please remember to do the same for me as we walk this stony path together.
Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I confess that sometimes I nag my husband ... alright, maybe more than sometimes. But Lord, I am determining in my heart to stop nagging my husband and start being consistent and persistent in prayer. My husband is Your workmanship, not mine. Forgive me when I try to yank the paint brush from Your hand and create brushstrokes of my own. I pray that I can be the woman that he needs in order for him to become the man that You desire.
Lub ya. Marymimi
Monday, February 8, 2010
Praying for your Man!
Sometimes (read-often)GOD sends the same message across my path numerous times in different ways...guess HE tries whatever to get my attention.
For the last several weeks it has been BROUGHT to my ATTENTION -- the necessity to PRAY DAILY for my husband. (you too!!) Seems I keep pushing it away and choose instead the whine and complain about what he doesn't do and how he doesn't do it.
WELL again this morning the devotional was as follows... GUESS HE IS determined to get the message thru my hard-head. At the end of the devotional was the challenge to confide in someone your need to pray for your husband -- to be accountable to someone to pray with you. You pray for their marriage as they pray for yours...HERE I AM ASKING... will you commit to pray for my bombarded marriage- the head of whom is my husband.. and I will commit to pray with you for yours in return.
Let's Pray:
Dear Lord, I pray for my husband, from head to toe.
His Head -That he will look to You as Lord of his life. (1 Corinthians 11:13)
His Mind - That he will have the mind of Christ and think as the Holy Spirit would lead him and not the flesh. (1 Corinthians 2:16)
His Eyes -That You will keep his eyes from temptation and that he will turn his eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, Mark 9:47)
His Ears - That he will hear Your still small voice instructing him. (1 Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
His Mouth - That his words will be pleasing to You. (Proverbs 19:14)
His Neck -That he will humble himself before You and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your Word so that he will be prosperous and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
His Heart-That he will love and trust You with his whole heart. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)
His Arms-That You will be his strength. (Psalm 73:26)
His Hands-That he will enjoy the work of his hands and see it as a gift from You. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 5:19)
His feet - That You will order his steps and that he will walk in Your truth. (Proverbs 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
From the Devotional Girlfriends in God....
For the last several weeks it has been BROUGHT to my ATTENTION -- the necessity to PRAY DAILY for my husband. (you too!!) Seems I keep pushing it away and choose instead the whine and complain about what he doesn't do and how he doesn't do it.
WELL again this morning the devotional was as follows... GUESS HE IS determined to get the message thru my hard-head. At the end of the devotional was the challenge to confide in someone your need to pray for your husband -- to be accountable to someone to pray with you. You pray for their marriage as they pray for yours...HERE I AM ASKING... will you commit to pray for my bombarded marriage- the head of whom is my husband.. and I will commit to pray with you for yours in return.
Let's Pray:
Dear Lord, I pray for my husband, from head to toe.
His Head -That he will look to You as Lord of his life. (1 Corinthians 11:13)
His Mind - That he will have the mind of Christ and think as the Holy Spirit would lead him and not the flesh. (1 Corinthians 2:16)
His Eyes -That You will keep his eyes from temptation and that he will turn his eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, Mark 9:47)
His Ears - That he will hear Your still small voice instructing him. (1 Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
His Mouth - That his words will be pleasing to You. (Proverbs 19:14)
His Neck -That he will humble himself before You and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your Word so that he will be prosperous and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
His Heart-That he will love and trust You with his whole heart. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)
His Arms-That You will be his strength. (Psalm 73:26)
His Hands-That he will enjoy the work of his hands and see it as a gift from You. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 5:19)
His feet - That You will order his steps and that he will walk in Your truth. (Proverbs 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
From the Devotional Girlfriends in God....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Veggie Chili
So why is it when I open this blog I get brain-lock? I can think of so many witty things to say...and then. NOTHING>.<
Well I shall plunge in anyway. I did not fair the "eat"idays (read holidays) so well. Too much munching and sampling. Grazing you feel my pain?
The scales were the final blow...I gained 5# over the course of 6 weeks. I have taken control of the love handles. Man, was that a difficult task to get SELF back under control. I have lost 2 of the 5 and am back on track HALLELUJAH!!!
Reality check was some good eating the past weekend with my kiddos. They are eating only veggies and fruit for 21 days. I was dreading the confrontation, but YEAH, It was good to share some of the things I have learned lately about healthy options. It was great!!! (who says-Misery loves company)
Do you rememeber in the beginning I spoke of bunny-trails..that was one...Now to the subject of this blog: VEGGIE CHILI (as my caveman explained- that is an oximoron)
I took a RR(foodies know) Veg-Head 3 Bean chili recipe and made it my own. If you are interested in recipe keep reading or as my cm did, escape now without injury.
Top Shelf Chili (my own version)
1 chopped onion ( I used frozen)
1 green bell pepper chopped (I used frozen)
1 clove minced garlic
saute these in 2 T EVOO 3-5 minutes until veggies are softened.
add: 1 cup veggie broth
1 (32 oz) can crushed tomatoes & 2 T tomato paste
1 can rotel tomatoes
1 can black beans (rinsed)
1 can ranch-style beans (rinsed)
1 cup frozen corn
Stir to combine. (she suggested refried beans to thicken, but I didn't use them)
Season with 1 T cumin
2 T chili powder
1 t salt & pepper
pinch of red pepper or hot pepper sauce to taste.
Simmer over low heat about 5-10 minutes to thicken.
THIS was some good eating. Who says we have to sacrifice to eat good.
Cya and Happy HEALTHY eating.
Well I shall plunge in anyway. I did not fair the "eat"idays (read holidays) so well. Too much munching and sampling. Grazing you feel my pain?
The scales were the final blow...I gained 5# over the course of 6 weeks. I have taken control of the love handles. Man, was that a difficult task to get SELF back under control. I have lost 2 of the 5 and am back on track HALLELUJAH!!!
Reality check was some good eating the past weekend with my kiddos. They are eating only veggies and fruit for 21 days. I was dreading the confrontation, but YEAH, It was good to share some of the things I have learned lately about healthy options. It was great!!! (who says-Misery loves company)
Do you rememeber in the beginning I spoke of bunny-trails..that was one...Now to the subject of this blog: VEGGIE CHILI (as my caveman explained- that is an oximoron)
I took a RR(foodies know) Veg-Head 3 Bean chili recipe and made it my own. If you are interested in recipe keep reading or as my cm did, escape now without injury.
Top Shelf Chili (my own version)
1 chopped onion ( I used frozen)
1 green bell pepper chopped (I used frozen)
1 clove minced garlic
saute these in 2 T EVOO 3-5 minutes until veggies are softened.
add: 1 cup veggie broth
1 (32 oz) can crushed tomatoes & 2 T tomato paste
1 can rotel tomatoes
1 can black beans (rinsed)
1 can ranch-style beans (rinsed)
1 cup frozen corn
Stir to combine. (she suggested refried beans to thicken, but I didn't use them)
Season with 1 T cumin
2 T chili powder
1 t salt & pepper
pinch of red pepper or hot pepper sauce to taste.
Simmer over low heat about 5-10 minutes to thicken.
THIS was some good eating. Who says we have to sacrifice to eat good.
Cya and Happy HEALTHY eating.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
in 3 little words!!!
Oh,MY goodness... the pork chops were great..They were fall off the bone, slap yo' mama goooood. I fished the pieces of meat out and added a can on c-o-m soup to the broth-stuff in the crock pot. The meat feel apart so I added the chunks back into the pot. Made some rice and in no time dinner was served. Gotta love it. I do. Oh yeh, the carrots and sweet potato was cooked to perfection, so I did have colorful veggies. (not quite back on track yet - but that is another story)
Today I left a venison roast and Italian tomatoes in the pot. Hopefully I will not be diappointed.
Today I left a venison roast and Italian tomatoes in the pot. Hopefully I will not be diappointed.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
In the Pot!!
So, this morning I left in the crock pot:
4 pork chops, seasoned with lemon pepper and browned in butter/evoo
2 carrots peeled and quartered
1 sweet potato, peeled and quartered
4 T applesauce slathered (I love that word) on chops
1 can of Cream of Poblano pepper soup (found in ethnic aisle at HEB)
Low and slow until I get home to-nite. I will make some rice to bed this baby down.
I will let you know how it tastes SOON...
4 pork chops, seasoned with lemon pepper and browned in butter/evoo
2 carrots peeled and quartered
1 sweet potato, peeled and quartered
4 T applesauce slathered (I love that word) on chops
1 can of Cream of Poblano pepper soup (found in ethnic aisle at HEB)
Low and slow until I get home to-nite. I will make some rice to bed this baby down.
I will let you know how it tastes SOON...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I received a new crock pot for Christmas...any ideas..whats in your pot?
Or Whats for dinner tonite? I haven't used this time saver in YEARS.. guess hubby wants some home-cooked meals...LOL so here goes.
Or Whats for dinner tonite? I haven't used this time saver in YEARS.. guess hubby wants some home-cooked meals...LOL so here goes.
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